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Writing and Other Output

Recent Publications


Barber B, Kephart G, Vallis M, Matthews S, Martin-Misener R, Rainham DG. Time-Use Sequences: A Mixed-Methods Study Exploring How, When, and Where Spatiotemporal Patterns of Everyday Routines Can Strengthen Public Health Interventions. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2024; 21(9):


Irvin A, Dutton D, Kirkland S, Rainham DG, Asada Y. Greenness Moderates the Relationship between Self-Rated Social Standing and Depression among Older Adults in the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging. Frontiers in Environmental Health 2024;


Barber B, Rainham DG, Tyedmers P, Vendertuin T, Ritcey G, Christie S. Taking action towards climate-resilient, low-carbon, health systems: perspectives from Canadian health leaders and healthcare professionals. Healthcare Management Forum 2024;


Barber B, Kephart G, Martin-Misener R, Vallis M, Matthews S, Atkins L, Cassidy C, Curran J, Rainham DG. Integrating health geography and behavioural economic principles to strengthen context-specific behaviour change interventions. Translational Behavioural Medicine 2024;


Villeneuve PJ, Gill GK, Cattagiri SA, Dales R, Rainham DG, Ross NA, Dogan H, Griffith LE, Raina P, Crouse DL. Does urban greenness reduce loneliness and social isolation among Canadians? A cross-sectional study of middle-aged and older adults o fthe Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging. Canadian Journal of Public Health 2024;


Dalton ME, Duffy R, Quinn E, Larsen K, Peters C, Brenner D, Yang L, Rainham DG. A qualitative review of social media sharing and the 2022 monkeypox outbreak: did early labelling help to curb misinformation or fuel the fire? Sexual Health 2024;


Stone K, Hamilton-HInch B, Aston M, Rainham DG, Spencer R. "It's not something we like ot think about because it's so devastating": understanding eastern Canadian young women's mental health in our changing climate. Journal of Prevention and Health Promotion 2024;


Prince SA, Lang JJ, de Groh M, et al. Prioritizing a research agenda on built environments and physical activity: a twin panel Delphi consensus process with researchers and knowledge users. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 2023;


Saint-Jacques N, Brown P, Purcell J, Rainham DG, Terashima M, Dummer TB. The Nova Scotia community cancer matrix: a geospatial tool to support cancer prevention. Social Science & Medicine 2023


Giacosa G, Rainham DG, Walker TR. A baseline characterization of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) concentration and releases in Nova Scotia, Canada. Atmospheric Pollution Research 2023


Dummer TB, Yu X, Cui Y, Nauta L, Saint-Jacques N, Sweeney M, Rainham DG. Traffic-Related Air Pollution and Risk of Lung, Breast, and Urinary Tract Cancer in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2023;


Buse C, Hancock T, Allison S, Astle B, Cole D, Fumerton R, Gislason M, Takaro T, Howard C, Kling R, Maruti S, McLaren L, Newhouse E, Parkes MW, Pollock S, Rainham DG, Webb J, Woollard R. Where are the ecological determinants of health? Canadian Journal of Public Health 2023


You can find older publications on Google Scholar.​

Recent Presentations and Media


Linking wamer temperatures to climate change. The Todd Vienotte Show, City News Everywhere. August 19, 2024.


It's been an unusually hot summer and so we're asking how are have you been coping with the heat? CBC Maritime Connection with Preston Mulligan (Radio). August 18, 2024


Sydney, N.S., stands out for temperatures strongly linked to climate change in recent months: data
Climate science organization examines how much more likely temperatures are due to climate change
. CBC News article by Andrew Lam. August 13, 2024.


Interview with Ana Almeida about heat waves and health effects, CTV Atlantic Morning Live. July 13, 2023.


When you're in the middle of forest fires, stop adding fuel. The Hill Times. June 19, 2023, p. 13. 


Halifax to consider ban or restrictions on gas-powered leaf blowers. The Chronicle Herald, Saltwire Network. December 2, 2022.


Regional council committee requests report on leaf blower pollution. The Signal. December 2, 2022.

A separate page has been created for media coverage of the new Canadian Index of Environmental Quality (Can-EQI).


Noise annoyance in your community. Appearance on CBC Radio Maritime Noon with Bob Murphy, November 2, 2022.


Local expert talks impacts of heat/thermal stress on human health. Interview with Paul Brothers, Global News Morning, August 8, 2022.


Better preparation needed for heat events, Dalhousie professor says. Saltwire (Atlantic online), John McPhee, August 3, 2022.


Interview with Amy Smith, CBC Television News (Newsmaker), July 25, 2022.














Heat wave has vulnerable Maritimers questionning how to keep cool. CTV News Atlantic (Video "Warm Weather Worries"), July 25, 2022.


What fighting COVID can teach the world about confronting the climate crisis. The Coast (on-line), September 17, 2021.


Expert says UN report another sign its time to wind down Newfoundland and Labrador oil and gas industry. Saltwire Atlantic,  August 9, 2021.


Ne pas avoir d'enfants, un outil de lutte aux changements climatiques. Le Courrier de la Novelle Ecosse, September 2, 2021


Empty streets during COVID-19 show how we’ve been poisoning ourselves. National Observer, May 21, 2020.


Inside/Out: How COVID‑19 is shifting our sense of places and spaces (video). An online special event between the Healthy Populations Institute (HPI)the MacEachen Institute for Public Policy and Governance (MIPP), and Open Dialogue Live, a series offered by the Dalhousie Office of Advancement. May 14, 2020.


Interview with Portia Clark and Louise Renault, CBC Information Morning NS. Environmental destruction and emerging pathogens. April 30, 2020.




Interview with Norma Lee MacLeod, CBC Maritime Noon. Noise. November 3, 2017.



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School of Health and Human Performance

Faculty of Health
Stairs House, 6230 South Street
PO Box 15000
Halifax, NS, B3H 4R2
Tel.: +1 902.494.2152



Healthy Populations Institute

Dalhousie University
1318 Robie Street
PO Box 15000
Halifax, NS, B3H 4R2
Tel.: +1 902.494.2240

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© Daniel Rainham, 2020

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